Month: March 2025
Going on day 2 of gut nastiness.
Holy crap have the dreams been weird with this thing. I dreamt of an alternate January 1916 or so where the people that would go on to become the Bolsheviks were secretly nigh immortal sorcerers and shit. They turned the tide of WWI, mopping the floor with Germany especially. That one was the weirdest. Then…
We seem to have caught whatever GI nastiness that has been going around lately on top of everything else.
It feels worse than standard stomach flu, not as bad as the actual flu. No idea what the hell is up here. So I’ve been curled up in bed watching Supernatural with Zelda and trying not to puke my guts out. -Allēna
As the lab results roll in, I’m hard at work on medical theories because that’s what we do..
It’s plausible that due to Hera‘s incredible (heavy sarcasm) DIY MKULTRA scheme she put us through in our late teens and early twenties, the high doses of lithium we were on damaged our pituitary gland, adrenals, and kidneys while our thyroid bounced back, aided by the Vitamin B100 experiment Laz started a few months ago.…
Taking a break from watching Heroes for now because Doom Guy sent me a video and I replied partially in Japanese.
I didn’t know I knew enough Japanese for that particular brain fart, but here we are. All hail the Brainhole. I’m also very tired and probably need more sleep than I was able to get last night. Wheeee. I’m going to attempt a nap, but we all know that that sort of thing is hit…
Another day, another adventure..
This.. Is me right now in all my exhausted, wavy haired glory. Emerson has a car now, and I am Out and About with him because he bribed me with coffee 🤣. I’m waiting for him while he gets his hair cut. Unfortunately, his sensory issues make it so he can’t grow his hair out…