Open Sorcery

The Secret Sorcerer Society

On Social Networks and Being Nicheless

Hey, everyone! I’m Ellie, one of the super-admin alters in the Ashley system. I had some spare cash and decided that I wanted to start moving away from traditional social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and the like because I really don’t like how they censor the people who use it, nor do I enjoy how their algorithms work. (RIP Instagram and Facebook’s chronological feed.) So I decided to create my own website with a social network attached. My network is called The Secret Sorcerer Society and you can join it here. I may or may not have reinvented MySpace – we’ll see – but I really like it so far. It’s going to need some tweaks before it’s fully functional, but it’s getting there and I think it’s ready for a few founding members to join and test it out.

I should start putting our albums up on the Society side for your listening pleasure later this afternoon. We have released fifteen whole albums and a handful of extended plays – that we can find! So there should be a whole lot for you to listen to.

Please don’t expect a lot of content to do with social networking and related things on here. It’s certainly ONE of our interests, but not the only one by far, and not even one of the major ones. We’ve studied social networks for years, but we’ve studied a great deal more for far longer. For one such example, check out our tutoring profile on Wyzant. We’re polymaths collectively and individually and will try and post every day, but we have noooo idea what we’ll cover. That’s part of the fun of it, in my opinion. If you’re neurodivergent, maybe plural yourself, and enjoy some good old fashioned randomness and shenanigans, maybe a little tomfoolery and the word fuck, you’ll be right at home.

Have a great day!



One response to “On Social Networks and Being Nicheless”

  1. […] everyone! This is your favorite paper pusher once more, Renn. We promised the people variety when we started this blog, so variety they shall have. We’ve written a lot about our Tragic Backstory and our […]

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