Okay, so..
As an offering of goodwill in this hellscape trash fire, Zelda brought me a can of a THC infused seltzer beverage.
The aforementioned beverage comes from a local brewery called Eagle Park Brewing. The flavor? Mystery flavor. And boy, did that mystery deliver. The following is a detailed review of this Marvelous Mystery.
I cracked open the can and was immediately greeted by the smell of strawberry. I sipped it, and the mystery flavor did, in fact, appear to be strawberry.
The interesting thing about this THC beverage (and what sets it apart from others I’ve tried) is that I couldn’t taste the THC. Most infused beverages have a rather distinct aftertaste that would not be great for, say, mixing with sodas or syrups, but this one had a very minimal aftertaste. It was also not too sweet, but not too heavy on the seltzer flavor, either. The flavor reminded me of strawberry flavored beers I’ve tried in the past.
Also, there was a fair bit of THC in this drink (10mg THC, 15mg CBD). I would be lying to you if I said I wasn’t a mite elevated right now.
It was great on its own, but if you want to get creative and make a knockout nonalcoholic cocktail, I would pair this with club soda, some mint and orange syrups, and top it all off with an orange and fresh mint as a garnish.
Top notch work, Eagle Park. I’ll be high in the sky for the next while…
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