So I have enormous triple special interests in web design, open source tech of all kinds, and social media, and my recent headfirst deep dive into federated social media via this hell site has resulted into the biggest, most all consuming rabbit hole since I discovered that people built their own fictional worlds.
As a result, here’s a bit of Fun Fediverse Fact vs a bit of Fun Fediverse Fiction.
Fun Fediverse Fiction: oh my gods, this place is a ghost town. Nobody uses this thing. And if they did, it’s not like they would talk about anything I enjoy.
Fun Fediverse Fact: This place is full to the brim with Cool Shit and even Cooler Gremlins. I cannot go five minutes without finding people who I want to be friends with posthaste on here.
Send help immediately. My executives are like. Definitely refusing to function on anything but this 🤣. Five year old Fledgling Website Builder Gremlin me would shit a sideways brick if they saw Fedi. I honestly wish I could show my late chaos programmer father Fedi. He would also shit a sideways brick.
Meta could never do what this gremlinry does…
Well, back to attempt number ten billion to focus on Anything Else. Or more rabbit hole. Because yours truly is Fascinated.
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