Open Sorcery

The Secret Sorcerer Society

Another day, another adventure..

This.. Is me right now in all my exhausted, wavy haired glory. Emerson has a car now, and I am Out and About with him because he bribed me with coffee 🤣. I’m waiting for him while he gets his hair cut. Unfortunately, his sensory issues make it so he can’t grow his hair out long like he wants to.

We trolled the coffeeshop before this because after getting a total of $19.01, he said “1901 was a good year”, to which I said “no it wasn’t. That’s when William McKinley died.” And then we playfully debated on whether or not 1901 being good was “a matter of perspective” in light of that or not…

I’m pretty sure that everyone there thinks we are weird, disappointed vampires, or both now 🤣. Another barista joined in later on as the conversation progressed and I sorta gave him a theology lecture.. Oops.

The AuDHD goes hard.

We are going to a local bookstore after this because we are incorrigible.

See y’all soon.



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