Author: Ashley Halliwell
This is how every fuckup feels in my brain when my anxiety is bad enough.
Working on the anxiety, lol. -Allēna
Out of context potent quotable by yours truly:
“You may take your weedclouds, but you will NEVER take our trousers!” -Allēna
Me when I have to do more than two (2) tasks or activities that require conscious thought and/or movement.
On another note, I finally fucking showered today… It’s been… Too long. -Allēna #NEISvoid #chronicfatigue #MECFS #naptime #chronicpain #chronicillness #painsomnia
Me, immediately after having a flashback: what a perfect detail for a character’s tragic backstory!
[makes a mental note for later so I don’t forget] -Allēna #cptsd #storyboarding #amwriting
A sleeptime odyssey in three parts:
Me at midnight, the eepiest Lēna to ever live: hmmm. Time to wind down for sleep. My sleepiness, as soon as everyone else is asleep: TIME FOR ME TO FLEE THE COUNTRY. ALSO, HAVE SCIATICA. Me, finally, at 4 AM: asleep at last. -Allēna #painsomnia #NEISvoid
Sauron getting a close up on Pippin’s last braincell like:
Pippin: ..uhhh hi. I touched your orb thing. I’m Pip and I like grass, fireworks, and sleep…. everyone else in chat: what. [beat] Sauron: go smoke the good kush or something, kid. The adults are talking. -Allēna #LOTR #meme
They say you shouldn’t nightblog, I say fuck the rules. You get painsomnia poetry.
Because with yours truly’s CPTSD, you get art on occasion. Treat yourself. -Allēna #NEISvoid #spilledink #cptsd #poetry #insomnia #anaisnin #enneagram8 #vulnerability #spoonie #painsomnia
Presenting the finest spoof ad I’ve ever made:
RIP Steve Jobs. This design Advertising?? poking fun at?? object impermanence is for you. -Allēna #ActuallyADHD #apple #spoof #shitposting #actuallyautistic #actuallyAudhd #NEISvoid #objectimpermanence #iforgot #graphicdesign #neurodivergence