Tag: ActuallyAutistic
Getting Back on Track
When we were younger, mid teens or so, our family would always accuse us of having a one track mind and say that we needed to “get off the track” when we hyperfocused on something a bit too hard for their taste or comfort. I, Allēna, am particularly bad about that. I’m very tightly wound,…
Object impermanence thoughts..
When we were younger, Xavier would often help us clean up our room and things because we would find it extremely overwhelming due to the sheer amount of crap we had (and frankly didn’t need or want in hindsight) and the fact that we would forget where we put the shit we did want five…
Regarding boredom..
These prompts, have been going OFF lately. Here’s today’s. What bores you? Well, I am an AuDHDer, so, in short… Pretty much everything after a point, fortunately or unfortunately. My brain is hardwired for two things, as best I can determine, and those things are patterns and novelty, such that after I get used to…
Ooops, I had more spoons than previously thought.. And made a zine.
If you want your own copy of it, it’s over here 💛 If you relate, you have my condolences. This is a sad one. -Lazarus
On a somewhat lighter note,
On a somewhat lighter note, This is PRECISELY how taking a shower feels. I swear most of the so called executives in my brain are like. Greenhorn neurotypical Harvard Business School grads who are so AGGRESSIVELY NORMIE that they’d punch a barista if they got their triple shot breve no foam Starbucks order wrong on…