Open Sorcery

The Secret Sorcerer Society

Tag: charisma

  • What’s this? Another prompt I want to actually take somewhat seriously?

    Who are your favorite people to be around? People who are straightforward, honest, and the only bullshit they give me is the joking kind. Preferably, they can see shit about me that I can’t, and can do shit that I can’t without making me feel like shit for it. They don’t talk my ear off…

  • Thanks, charisma.

    People tend to act like this when they see me: Meanwhile I’m like this for years: Do I ever figure it out? Occasionally. Does my brain shit a sideways brick first. Almost always. YAY, emotions! -Allēna

  • Chrysalyzed

    Hi, everyone! I’m sorry for going kinda dark for these past couple days. My brain has been kind of tired from this past week, so I have been resting until I felt up to writing again. I went to Emerson and told him about how bad I felt that I hadn’t been writing due to…

  • At Last, I’m Found

    Hey, all. This is Lazarus again. In 2021, I was talking with my friend Delta about all of the shit I was going through at the time while deep in survival mode and about being an Enneagram Eight largely geared toward self preservation, and I predicted that once I got out of survival mode and…

  • An Open Secret

    Hey, everyone! My name is Allēna. Even though I have yet to post here officially, it seems my reputation precedes me – my headmates wrote a standout series of pieces on my multi-part poem “Guernica” that requires very little introduction. I guess you might say that I’m the most reclusive super-admin in a system of…

  • Intuition + Queer Shit: My Host As Seer

    Hi! My name is Firrian. I appear to be the current acting captain of the Ashley system as the current most able fronter. I also appear to be stuck in front because the body is very tired. So I am not going to write about “Guernica” for the time being. We’re risking burnout if we…