Open Sorcery

The Secret Sorcerer Society

Tag: Lumine

  • Wait, You’re Telling Me I Can Be PAID to Take The Train If I Make Enough Of A Stink About Flying?!

    Reblog via Climate News Now This Italian climate researcher was fired for refusing to fly – now he’s won compensation. The researcher hopes his case will inspire others to try flight-free travel. #ClimateChange Oh, please, Italian climate researcher. Teach my grumpy crippled ass your legendary ways. If there is anything I love doing, it’s…

  • About Time

    Hey, everyone. It is I, your trusty, if batshit sorcerer guide, Lazarus. I was talking with Lumine about all manner of things both magical and mundane today, and I have decided It is Time to Have Words With Y’all, and by Words I mean poetry, after the grumpiness of yesterday’s post. Y’all deserve bread AND…

  • Tales From The Blanket Lump

    Hey, everyone. Lazarus here. Sorry for going fucking dark for the last little while. Lumine visited this past week, during which time I was so goddamned stressed my body came inches from basically falling apart. It wasn’t his fault at all, and he was in fact a most excellent baby. If anyone is to blame,…

  • It’s been awhile…

    Hello, everyone! This is Lazarus again. I have been dealing with a mindfuck of a month that I can’t recall if I mentioned in my last post. However, the brunt of the mindfuckery is over and I’m just recuperating now. I have had no idea what to say and my brain has felt like a…