Tag: neurodivergence
Object impermanence thoughts..
When we were younger, Xavier would often help us clean up our room and things because we would find it extremely overwhelming due to the sheer amount of crap we had (and frankly didn’t need or want in hindsight) and the fact that we would forget where we put the shit we did want five…
Regarding boredom..
These prompts, have been going OFF lately. Here’s today’s. What bores you? Well, I am an AuDHDer, so, in short… Pretty much everything after a point, fortunately or unfortunately. My brain is hardwired for two things, as best I can determine, and those things are patterns and novelty, such that after I get used to…
This prompt is interesting.
Are there any activities or hobbies you’ve outgrown or lost interest in over time? In person socializing, mostly, unless you’re one of about five people on a very good day. Alongside that, we seem to be slowly losing the ability to speak aloud due to burnout and fatigue. It’s just… Not something we want to…
I’m bored, so have a collection of memes that describe my headmate Castor.
He’s the system’s original host, and is known for showing up, giving Zero Fucks, Saying Very Cryptic Things, and then disappearing again. What a fucking guy. -Lazarus
One of my crushes sent me this and it basically hit me in the damn soul and I started crying laughing and had to share it here. If I don’t know you or trust you, I would rather do ANYTHING ELSE than acknowledge that you’ve just flirted with me, but believe me, I know, and…
The Art of Bitching
Well, this is an interesting prompt. What do you complain about the most? I tend to complain a lot about anything that’s difficult or exhausting for me while in the process of doing it. It helps me bypass my executive dysfunction and my deeply rooted perfectionism, which often makes it damn near physically painful to…
Dear Internet Diary,
I need a shower but my damn brain is not letting me do it. Instead, it is insisting that I do every damn thing else and taking me on infinite side quests. Help. Sincerely, -Lazarus
Can you contact me in a timely manner? Sources say no.
The above post is silly but 100% accurate. I’m known for forgetting apps exist, and audible notifications literally jumpscare me. Your best hope to reach me in a timely manner is to astral project into my dreams. 🤣 My partners can confirm that. -Allēna
A brief compendium of thoughts I thought in the shower tonight after being alone for most of today (another poem)
i. I find it ironic that the same words that help me sleep are the same words that keep me awake. ii. I imagine in detail what it would be like to program a bot that wouldpost a random frame from the “wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy” meme every hour on the hour.upon…