Tag: Norovirus
Going on day 2 of gut nastiness.
Holy crap have the dreams been weird with this thing. I dreamt of an alternate January 1916 or so where the people that would go on to become the Bolsheviks were secretly nigh immortal sorcerers and shit. They turned the tide of WWI, mopping the floor with Germany especially. That one was the weirdest. Then…
Taking a break from watching Heroes for now because Doom Guy sent me a video and I replied partially in Japanese.
I didn’t know I knew enough Japanese for that particular brain fart, but here we are. All hail the Brainhole. I’m also very tired and probably need more sleep than I was able to get last night. Wheeee. I’m going to attempt a nap, but we all know that that sort of thing is hit…
This has been my absolutely atrocious GI tract with noro.
My gut biome is fucked six ways from SUNDAY 🤣 -Allēna
RIP my guts, I suppose.
I seem to have come down with some kind of stomach bug. Given that norovirus is going around, I’m on my period, and I have no fucking immune system when my period hits, it’s probably noro. YAY. Send memes. Or more Pepto-Bismol. -Allēna