Month: January 2025
Despite Lazarus saying they needed to stay away from volcano alerts in a previous post, we are now subscribed to volcano alert emails from USGS.
And Kilauea in Hawai’i is erupting again after a short pause. I’ll paste the text of the email below in a quote: If you live out there, stay safe, friends. Science is cool. -Allēna
RIP my guts, I suppose.
I seem to have come down with some kind of stomach bug. Given that norovirus is going around, I’m on my period, and I have no fucking immune system when my period hits, it’s probably noro. YAY. Send memes. Or more Pepto-Bismol. -Allēna
Reblog via Cora Grace Hardware is always getting better.Unfortunately, software is always getting worse.and software gets worse faster than hardware gets better. Real, though. This is why we built Open Sorcery as lean and clean as we could. -Allēna
Well, shit. We do take after our father…
Do you ever have one of those moments where you just sit back and go “Jesus Henry Christ, I’ve become my father!” Well, my system is having one. The fact that we have a chaos blog itself, the articles and thoughts we’ve begun collecting and sharing under the UsPol tag, or even the fact that…
You should know you’ve fucked up if a BISHOP is calling you out on national television…
So this happened, and Trump isn’t happy. Let him rave, though. Good for Bishop Budde. Hallelujah. -Allēna
Well, it’s almost 7:30 AM, I’m nauseated, so I’ve been doing some light reading.
And it appears that there are more people who also said “fuck it” to systems in play going on in the world right now and are also rolling with the punches while trying to build better ways of doing things. One of those people is English professor Jem Bendell. I’m not sure yet if I…
Well… Here’s an asshat.
This is Emerson‘s and my cat Vera. Her ass is on his hat. 🤣 Speaking of asshats, I appear to have returned from an extended sabbatical of sorts? We’re still trying to figure out why I vanished, but I am back and filling in for Lazarus for the time being, who is very asleep right…
Have a Creature I painted!
Have a Creature I painted! This Batshit Creature comes from a question the Zelda System asked me – “if you could design a stuffed animal based off of yourself, what would it look like?” He’s based off of an endangered species in New Zealand known as the tuatara, has three eyes, and is definitely missing…
Are you even a timeblind artist until you’ve painted several neon melting clocks?
I’m kidding. But I do paint melting clocks on occasion. Like this one. Hehehe….
My Brainhole… Visualized
A bit of context: my friend mk (it/its) posted an incredible thought piece on its Substack on feral anarchy, what it means, etc., and I found it very inspiring. I, too, am quite feral, a synesthete, have zero sense of linear time, and have built my very neuroqueer life from a place of loosely organized…