This doesn’t just apply to cooking.
Xavier used to always tell me before he died that you have to learn the rules to anything before you can break them. And this man was a certifiable genius across the board – brilliant cook, chaos programmer, astonishing writer, ruthless editor. I swear he did everything by his intuition, too, but only after learning the rules of a skill enough to break them.
Damn near everything I can do, I first learned to do from watching that contrarian bitch of a man do life. He was a wonderful, terrible, grumpy, hilarious, Renaissance master of multidisciplinary batshittery, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And I had to fail my way forward first until I found a way to do things that worked for me.
And I will never stop learning about everything I can get my eternally bored hands on, learning rules, breaking them creatively, rinsing, repeating, and having a whole lot of fun while I do.
So please, experiment, fail your way forward, break new ground. This is how you learn and find ways to do things that work for you. But also learn from the masters. There’s nuance in everything. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
Happy learning, and stay curious!
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