Tag: DID System
I’m bored, so have a collection of memes that describe my headmate Castor.
He’s the system’s original host, and is known for showing up, giving Zero Fucks, Saying Very Cryptic Things, and then disappearing again. What a fucking guy. -Lazarus
I was clicking around the blog after months in a dormancy coma and I’ve gotta say…
I love what my headmates have done with the place. Pretty neat. Have Allēna’s and Eight’s masterpiece album Mago as a treat before you go. If you’re finding the system via the MadMastodon tag or related ones, I think you’ll like what it has to say. It’s all about deconstructing a high control faith, surviving…
Will my headmates ever get their shit together and stop attempting to hit each other with chairs?
No clue. Laz has no idea how to be a fucking person, I think, despite being the single most charismatic individual I’ve ever met. This photo sums up how I feel about their antics, pretty much… However, my darling Littlebeany has been nearby, so I got some lovely photos of her. What a good baby…