Tag: slice of life
This is stuck in our head today:
Also, Doom Guy has joined the polycule! But our guts hurt badly, so I’m gonna take meds and go the fuck back to sleep. I just had a very weird dream almost entirely in Spanish that I was hanging out with Shakira. -Castor (but not entirely sure yet)
Damn it, River.
My fucking headmate thought it was an excellent and hilarious fucking idea to schedule a neurologist appointment on the day our father died of brain cancer nine years prior and then make me handle it. At least Lazarus had the fucking foresight to get it switched to a virtual appointment several damn days ago so…
Down Every Rabbit Hole, Everywhere
Hey, everyone. Lazarus again, back once more with your daily dose of bullshit, hehe. It’s been a slow day so far, both in my brain and otherwise. If you guessed that insomnia is still sort of kicking my ass, you got it in one. But being tired can have its advantages, namely that it makes…
Hellooooo, Boys (read: everyone) I’m Baaaaack
Hi, everyone! I, Lazarus, have returned today, as promised, with whatever chaos and dipshittery my brain decides to throw onto this here blog. I don’t think I slept all that well last night, considering that I dreamt of a whole bunch of shit that I can’t quite recall, kept waking up, and the final straw…
Hey, everyone. Allēna here. There’s a thunderstorm raging outside and it’s pissing rain. However, the Zelda system is curled up against me, head on my right arm, arms tucked against my torso, with my legs slung over theirs. They look so fucking peaceful. It reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend of…
Live, Laugh, Lesbian
Hey, this is Allēna. I have a really bad stomachache, so I don’t have a lot of energy to write right now, but I do want to share this crop top Emerson got for me. I’m bisexual, but I do love it when women. It says “live, laugh, lesbian” on it. I love it. The…
Have a meme!
Hey, everyone! This is Allēna. I have no idea what to post today and I’ve been up all night trying to find words. Nothing is coming, so have this bullshit instead. I made it for one of Emerson’s headmates, who is from Ohio yesterday. That’s it. That’s the meme. It’s 4:45 AM and there’s nothing…