Tag: vitamin b100 experiment
As the lab results roll in, I’m hard at work on medical theories because that’s what we do..
It’s plausible that due to Hera‘s incredible (heavy sarcasm) DIY MKULTRA scheme she put us through in our late teens and early twenties, the high doses of lithium we were on damaged our pituitary gland, adrenals, and kidneys while our thyroid bounced back, aided by the Vitamin B100 experiment Laz started a few months ago.…
The Trials and Tribulations of Caffeine
Hey, everyone. Lazarus here. Unfortunately, I think the caffeine pills I was taking were raising my blood pressure enough to give me chronic migraines again. My body is extremely weird. So caffeine, or at least THAT form of caffeine, is likely off the table. I had to take a migraine rescue med earlier today and…
I Am Become Migraine
Hello, everyone. Lazarus here. 2/3rds of my local polycule has come down with some kind of illness and I may have overcaffeinated these past few days because I have been navigating a nasty ocular migraine as best as I am physically able. That being said, I’m likely going to have to throw my body into…
Slow Day
Hey, everyone. Lazarus here. I’ve been up since roughly 5 AM after I woke myself up from a dead sleep attempting to explain to aloud why Emerson in the dream had a habit of lingering in public spaces silently and menacingly and not much has happened after that, so today’s post will likely be pretty…
Some Very Good News
SINNERS REJOICE! I, Lazarus, slept for approximately eight and a half hours and DIDN’T HAVE ANY NIGHTMARES THAT I CAN RECALL! Hell yeah! I’m also not super scrambled today so far, but I’ve been up for less than thirty minutes. LET’S ROCK TODAY, BITCHES (affectionate). I think I’m gonna go throw alllll of my newfound…
Hey, everyone. Lazarus here again. Today has been another slow day, but a productive one. The Zelda System is off of work today and it’s our day to hang out and relax, so we’ve been catching up on shows and things. It was much needed, seeing as I only got about five hours of sleep…
Down Every Rabbit Hole, Everywhere
Hey, everyone. Lazarus again, back once more with your daily dose of bullshit, hehe. It’s been a slow day so far, both in my brain and otherwise. If you guessed that insomnia is still sort of kicking my ass, you got it in one. But being tired can have its advantages, namely that it makes…
Episode YES: Insomnia Strikes Back
Hello, cherished mothers and fuckers. Lazarus here once more with your daily Des Moines Cropduster (context below, thanks, Theo). I thought this prompt looked interesting and I have a few responses for y’all. If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say? Here are my favorite contenders thus far: Ashley Halliwell’s Brainhole, New and…
Lost In Time And Space
Hey, everyone. This is Lazarus, once again. As I write this, I’m sitting on my apartment’s balcony space so that I can get a bit of fresh air. At Emerson’s suggestion, I took today largely away from the Internet to clear my head, but it seems to have made me sadder, albeit less anxious. I’ve…