Open Sorcery

The Secret Sorcerer Society

Well, it’s almost 7:30 AM, I’m nauseated, so I’ve been doing some light reading.

And it appears that there are more people who also said “fuck it” to systems in play going on in the world right now and are also rolling with the punches while trying to build better ways of doing things. One of those people is English professor Jem Bendell. I’m not sure yet if I agree with everything he’s doing/believes in (but then again, do you ever?) because I’m still exploring and contemplating all that he has to say, but he did publish a fascinating piece on his site back in February 2024 about deep adaptation to climate crisis, massive social change, and collapse, and how sometimes saying fuck it and making a huge life change in light of all of that is the least risky option.

Given everything that’s going on politically here in the States, I think it’s well worth the read and to do some thinking about, even if you don’t agree with most or all of what he says.

Cool shit.



3 responses to “Well, it’s almost 7:30 AM, I’m nauseated, so I’ve been doing some light reading.”

  1. @opensorceryy The one thing I agree with is that we all are not going to escape this, and we all are going to loose things. Even the Billionaires (as they are working to consolidate all power and all wealth) are going to be on the loosing end of this as well – in death of all of us, if they continue. They just have a nicer stateroom on the Titanic.(free Luigi)

    1. Agreed on all counts here. Also free Luigi.

      I also think we can and should do whatever we can in the meantime to make a better world. Billionaires are fucking parasites. There may not be much we can do as individuals, but as a collective, we can do a lot, and they ARE getting scared of us, and rightfully so. So I personally think we should keep doing what we can with what all we have to build better systems for ourselves and each other, both individually and collectively.

      Stay crotchety, stay safe out here. We can do this.

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