Tag: music
Chilling in my blanket lump.
“You Are The Apple” by Lady Lamb never fails to be a fucking banger. -Allēna
This is stuck in our head today:
Also, Doom Guy has joined the polycule! But our guts hurt badly, so I’m gonna take meds and go the fuck back to sleep. I just had a very weird dream almost entirely in Spanish that I was hanging out with Shakira. -Castor (but not entirely sure yet)
In reference to my previous post:
Cops probably have shit taste in music. Just like the rest of their shit life decisions. -Allēna
A Journey To The Center Of Myself
Well, hello, everyone. I was originally going to write about something a bit different – problem solving and Stoicism – but then I saw this prompt from the journaling app Day One and this feels a bit more meaningful: What does it mean to be a kid at heart? Truth be told, I have no…
A lil treat for y’all!
Hey, y’all. Fen here. I’m very stoned and fucking about with my uke, and I wanted to post what I’ve recorded so far for your listening pleasure. I don’t know if it’s any good, that’ll be a job for my sober ear, but this is a good practice in vulnerability in the meantime. Here you…