Open Sorcery

The Secret Sorcerer Society

Well, shit. We do take after our father…

Do you ever have one of those moments where you just sit back and go “Jesus Henry Christ, I’ve become my father!”

Well, my system is having one.

The fact that we have a chaos blog itself, the articles and thoughts we’ve begun collecting and sharing under the UsPol tag, or even the fact that we write, occasionally create visual art of all kinds, and converse pretty damn prolifically should have been our first clues, as to our Xavier Behavior, but I had a pretty fucking big one last night over something relatively minor.

The fact that we sleep on nights where it’s not cold as a witch’s tit in an iron bra with nothing but a heavy duty top sheet over us.

Xavier would do that constantly. He’d get too warm otherwise!

Shit. 🤣



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