Open Sorcery

The Secret Sorcerer Society

For the Fairest

Hey, everyone. This is Allēna. It’s been awhile, and I’m sorry about that – it’s been a bit of a mental trashfire for us of late and none of us quite knew how to talk about what was going on through the fatigue, confusion, and what appears to still be the mother of all flares. I’m still not feeling too hot and I still have to figure out where the fuck most of this month’s rent is going to come from, but things are starting to look up somewhat.

Emerson got a job after months of hunting, and after that we kinda crashed after the few months we’ve had. I’ve been more or less frontstuck since that point, seeing as I’m one of the only headmates with decision making power, the stamina to front more than a couple hours at a time, and love for both Emerson and the Zelda System. The majority of my headmates do not like Emerson, and so it’s less effort to have me front most of the time even though that means I never get a mental break and often am reduced to a puddle of tears by the end of the week. Cleaning up my headmates’ interpersonal messes would be worse.

I don’t want any more messes. I already have a full plate of stuff I’m working on, and enough interpersonal plot fuel from Eight alone to last a lifetime. That man’s friend group is the gift that keeps on giving. I may mean that sarcastically, I may not, that depends on the occasion. This week, however, the jury is out.

You may recall us mentioning in our last post that I’d gone through a PTSD wave of epic proportions recently because Zelda had gotten together with someone who is also a mutual friend of ours? Well, let’s call this mutual friend Helen. Helen is the sweetest person. I fucking adore them. However, I inherited them (and the extremely complicated shitfest they somehow got dragged into back in ‘22) from Eight via one of his myriad exes from the time he had uncontested control of the system from approximately late 2020 to early 2023. Eight is a cockroach if a cockroach were also a human being, and that human being were also a rockstar. So Helen met Eight first and was…put off at best all those years ago, then decided to attempt a friendship this year now that things are different, we’ve all grown as people, and things actually have been going much better. Well, until the PTSD bullshit happened. Now they’re going even better than they were before, which is the weird part to me.

I say this is weird because Helen and Eight weren’t very close when all the shit happened back in ‘22. Both of us have admitted that. So if we’d gone to them with a concern of this magnitude then, it likely wouldn’t have brought us closer together and would have driven us further apart, if we’d gone to them with that sort of thing at all. Now, I may be off, but I would say that we’re pretty damn close. Neither Helen nor my system wasted any time establishing that closeness this time around. We all meant fucking business, likely unconsciously. I certainly wasn’t meaning to get close to Helen for any particular reason, I never even thought it would happen given how guarded I knew them to be from Eight’s memories. But I was given openness, warmth, and kindness, and I enjoy Helen’s company and conversation, so I too opened up with time.

Here’s where that makes things complicated, though. Helen and Emerson barely talk and Emerson mostly initiates. Emerson and the Zelda System are now (back) together, as well. Em has been internally screaming of late because he’s terrified at a baseline that my system and Zelda are gonna fuck off and leave him behind, and now that Helen is in play, so to speak and barely talking to him, things have gotten even worse for him in that regard.

There’s also been a rash of speculation – because we are all bi/pan/queer disasters in some form – that Helen and I are crushing on each other, as well, but I don’t live in their brain and I don’t know where I stand with that fully yet, either. I don’t like not knowing, especially where my own emotions towards a person are concerned, so I’m watching my side and seeing how shit plays out there before I speak on anything with any degree of certainty.

All of this is in turn making me anxious because there’s not a whole lot I can do except watch the shitshow go down, because there’s not a whole lot that’s within my power to fix here. I am the sort of person who fixes things by nature when I get anxious or stressed out, and there’s nothing I can fix here, so theoretically I have nowhere to put the stress. Therefore, I’ve had to distract myself by pouring all of that jittery energy into other conversations and building other relationships and projects where I’m able. Emerson and I have been doing a great deal of work on our side of the internal screaming equation, but sadly there’s approximately fuckall I can do where Emerson relative to Helen and Zelda are concerned because ultimately I’m not them and can’t control their actions. So while all of this goes down in the moment I have to set boundaries with myself and put my own internal screaming somewhere ideally constructive in the meantime.

This, due to the degree of fatigue and mental fog, usually results in me sending Helen memes. Memes are Helen gold, and it is quite surreal to hear Zelda and Emerson in a heated discussion about the aforementioned Helen in the next room while sending them memes has turned into something like lighthearted banter and the heaviest conversation I’ve ever had in my life simultaneously while all of this is going down 🤣. I swear, this individual has more patience than I ever will because I live this day in and day out and I’m about to melt down from stress and there they are over on their end, being the sweetest person alive about allllll the fuckery in a single place occurring right here, right now.

I’m so tired, but everyone has been solid where they are able despite all of the numerous occurrences of the past 2 weeks or so and I still feel very loved and cared for despite all of this shitfuckery.

I love them, and I love y’all. Hopefully I’ll have more art magic for y’all once everything balances out a bit more, rent gets sorted, and Emerson starts work. Stay tuned for more magic (and nonsense), beautiful people!

-Allēna, Your Faithful, If Exhausted, Captain and Founder of the Polyamorous Dojo of Chaos

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